Monday, May 5, 2014

Sugar Shack Show

The Sugar Shack Show is up and the results from my latest homework are in!

First the results show...

Terry had some great notes on my Vicente study, and ya'll might notice there are some trends.  Points were awarded for a tighter color harmony although I need to pull back on the reds.  I tend to loose the value structure when I push saturation.  Sounds familiar right?  Terry explains the difference between a 'tonalist' process (including Sorolla, the artist I've been referencing), and a 'colorist' process.  "In a tonal approach, you are increasing saturation to get a target color, where as in a colorist (impressionist) approach, you're graying down a saturated color to get the target color."  For these studies, I need to start with a muted theme color and approach it like a monochromatic painting, with subtler hue and temperature changes.  In this way, I keep color theme in check so that the 'big sculpt' is effective, saving the few color accents towards the end.  The beard was also a fail on the ‘sculpt’ as I lost the shape of the muzzle due to poor value organization.  I am going to need more reps.  I've heard it takes ten thousand hours to become an expert.  
This could be the beginning of a long running blog.  

He liked the shoe!  While he thought the colors were nice and clean, and the values well organized, he suggested that the toned yellow canvas showing through in the background was unnecessary in this particular case.  Leaving canvas exposed is not an error per se, but as it didn't 'support the concept' this time, I opaqued over it.   Yeah, I got that bit of advice after the canvas-exposing overdose on the following painting, "Warming Up". 
Also trending, "Less pressure on the brush".

 The Sugar Shack Show!

Several armfuls of paintings hit a very cute Midtown Boutique on Friday!

A sample of the latest~

'Fave Pump' 
(post changes to background)

"Warming Up"

"You Win, You Always Do"

The cocktail ring, modeling in the staring contest versus the Nalgene bottle, is actually from their sister boutique Krazy Mary's.  I got a little sucked into the details on that last one. 

Now, back to my top-secret dog commission!

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